Waiting At The Sliprails

Waiting at the Sliprails: Love and Forgiveness Break Through (The Convict Stain Collection)

The Bathurst Road 1830s

A Convict’s Tale

Bea Dawes’s term of conviction nears an end, and she has few options other than marriage to a stranger or going on the street.

Jack Barnes, the hired drover, wants a wife. Bea accepts his offer; then she discovers that he could be gone for months, leaving her alone with Billy and Netty, part of the tribe of aborigines who live on his secluded farm. Bea learns to love her husband and also this wonderful aboriginal couple.

Drought ravages the farm, and Jack must hit the long paddock with the flock. In his absence, a visitor arrives, destroying everything she has worked so hard for.

Can Bea cope? Will the drought ever end? And when will Jack return?

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By Sara Powter

Sara Powter worked with her mother, Sheila Hunter doing their family history. Through this research, they discovered many wonderful Australian Colonial stories from the four Convicts they found in their tree. Sheila thought the stories were too good to forget, so she penned an Australian Colonial Trilogy, which Sara had printed after Sheila’s death in 2002. In the first twelve months of writing, Sara had had two of her books rank #1 in their genre. Jointly written ‘Dancing to her Own Tune’ and ‘Amelias Tears’ shot to almost instant success. The stories are raw and were inspired by aspects of the convict’s background in the author’s family history. (The convict assignment of women was unvetted, and the poor girls often were taken as unwilling bedwarmers, many victims of rape, and they were often returned to prison if they fell pregnant.) Sara now continues the retelling. Weaving fact with fiction tells of the amazing and intrepid souls who worked together to make our wonderful country the fabulous place it is today. The convicts turned adversity to advantage! Stolen from the arms of loved ones in England. They worked and were rewarded with ‘Tickets Of Leave’, each becoming some of Parramatta’s and Emu Plains’ leading citizens. Like many untold convict stories, there was often faith behind them. Their strong Christian Faith was taught to each generation. She writes, “Over 200 years have passed since the first arrival of our family on this beautiful but rugged shore. Each day I come to love it more. Lee Kernaghan’s song “The Odyssey” sums it up! This country’s got a hold on me! I will never regret that they came as convicts! I’m proud of that!” Although they were ripped from their loving families’ arms, never to return, they learned to love the life and what it offered them. All were sent for very petty crimes. It made them strong, resilient, and determined to do their best for their family! The retelling of Charles and Sal’s story mirrors John Ellison’s and Sarah Watkins’ story. They were my GG Grandparents, along with Joseph Huff and Amelia Harlow. They regularly attended St John’s church in Parramatta. Without their faith and example of Christian love, their own children and grandchildren may have followed different paths. Sara is married to Stephen Powter. They have two grown children. Stephen, an Anglican Minister, is recently retired. Sara loves to fish, and he to surf, so you may well see them travelling up and down the Pacific Coast of the Eastern States of Australia in an old caravan with rods and surfboards under their 50+ year old tinny! They live on the Central Coast of NSW. NB The spelling in the books is Australian /English

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