American Founding Fathers And Why It Matters by Michael Furlonger

A friend of mine the other day shared a common, albeit misunderstood, quote from Thomas Jefferson regarding the “Separation of Church and State.” After I shared my two cents that the quote refers to keeping the political (aka state) out of church affairs, not preventing the church from having biblical thoughts, or sermons on political matters, the whirl wind came crashing down on me:

  • Hearing things from how America is a secular country fleeing from an alleged theocratic persecution in England, to how the Founding Fathers were all free masons and enemies of Christ.

I took the time to share the irony that, if an enemy of Christ, Jefferson oddly enough signed letters, “In the year of our Lord, Christ Jesus…” followed with the year. While I didn’t have all of the full details on the amazement of Jefferson and the other founders, I thought that I would share the source my information.

I have collected a series of educational videos from author and historian David Barton. Many of these videos are short 20-30 minute videos describing amazing historical facts from the past on what shaped the great nation.

I will link the title to the specific video and put links to the books below for you to read more at your pleasure.

Episode 1 | Remember the Former Days: Why History Matters | David Barton

Historian David Barton discusses the main reasons for the America’s separation from Great Britain:

  • Common teachings of “taxation without representation” was only one of 27 grievances against England
  • Religious proclamation of the Gospel and anti-slavery
  • Establishing governing powers and more

Books mentioned:

By Michael Furlonger

I am an author and the founder of CWB is designed to help and showcase the work of Christian authors and bloggers and podcasters.

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